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Новини Cтудреспубліки
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04-07-2019 / Новини ВМГО "Студентська республіка" /  Україна

The Aim is not to Lose a Chance for Modernization

Задача – не проґавити шанс на модернізацію (укр)

Here cherished dreams come true!
Here tomorrow starts!

The third decade of persistent work, dozens of projects every year, hundreds of thousands participants of Studrespublika is a unique base for qualitatively new development phase. It is still far to our strategic aim, to Ukraine in top-20 most developed countries in the world, but no one said it would be easy. On the 21st year of the International Student’s Republic program we accumulate all intellectual and practical developments, gather young activists, students, intellectuals, because we have unfulfilled duty to Ukraine. Therefore, theme-2019: ‘Subject of Modernization – the Generation`s Responsibility‘. Join regional stages!

Where and when will Studrespublikas be held in every (and, in your as well) region of Ukraine? How to become a participant? Which knowledge, experience and emotions will you get after taking part in regional stage? Why will Studrespublika become the main event in your summer? Details about OAG and sub-fests, news about conceptually renewed Finale of XXI Studrespublika at the seaside and brand profile pictures can be also found in the official announcement.

XXI International Student`s Republic program is the most significant event for Ukrainian students, which gathers maximal quantity of young leaders, progressive experts and thinking citizens from Ukraine and abroad. Studrespublikas have started throughout the whole country: don`t lose in your region, there is a possibility to join any regional stage in the country.

Schedule and contacts of the regional coordinators of Studrespublika

Fair and unbiased evaluations first: time of attempts and mistakes was expensive for our people. Where can we get systemic and socially responsible solutions?

  • It is science – millenniums of heated discussions, our and other people`s mistakes, negations of negation and complicated, but unstoppable move ahead. Yes, science is not sketches and flouncing around, but formula, intransigent logic and desire of new, desire of something the world has not seen before;
  • It is reflexive tradition or institutional memory, when we fix everything clearly and never repeat mistakes instead of chaos;
  • It is creative drive, meaningful passionarity, the will to crush ‘that rock(«сесю скалу»).

Its synergy is the thing that Ukraine lacks to break free from ‘the ruined strength‘ («пропаща сила») and degradation. Studrespublika has all this! But how can it be properly organized, strategized and done so as really intellectual and creative Generation of Republic could become apparent in powerful subject of modernization for the first time during the centuries – we will explore during regional and then final stages of the program.

This year`s theme reflects our baggage of developments during more than 20 years of everyday tireless work and crazy wish for changes: Subject of Modernization [of your region] — the Generation`s Responsibility‘. And it`s not a chance – it`s our mission and responsibility!

We want to remind that modernization course involves the resumption of normal human life, establishment of wide range of liberties and embodiment a lot of progressive innovations.

Join, registering beforehand at obligatory online registration:

At the heart of the Studrespublika there is an organizational activity game, after which there will be elections for Student`s Mayor and deputies of the Student Magistrate. And also there will be also many sub-fests for you: beauty contest of personality First Lady (Persha Lady, «Перша Леді»), Quest Fest, Mafia, Night Tusa, Amateur Video Festival, Photo contest Flash of Emotions, Day Tusa, Mr. Studrespublika, Lesya-Fest and many other bright activities.

In a unique discussion-competitive format of OAG, you have the opportunity to propose your position how to make us, all of us, Studrespublika in your region take shape of those subjects which will manage to modernize your region. Best experts who will conduct facultative (lectures, workshops etc.) will help you with it.

The Generation of Republic will keep together to the Independent Day of Ukraine 23-26 August on the beach of the sea, during the culmination of the year — Finale of Studrespublika-2019. This year`s theme: ‘Subject of Modernization – the Generation`s Responsibility‘ needs real solidarity – accumulation of strengths, knowledge, creativity, experience, skills and, what is the most important, work of republicans of all years. Except of work on Ukrainian and world development alternatives, Student`s president and deputies of Student`s Parliament of Ukraine must be elected from the cleverest, the most talented and the most active.

Multi-festival, the core of which is OAG, is improving for the third decade so as to be an open platform for dialogue, deep discussion and extremely interesting activities. It is Ukrainian know-how – a space for freedom and equality, sunny mood and road map to the future.

Studrespublika provides equal opportunities for all – take and use them in the community of the same bright, clever, creative and hard-working people. Don`t lose your chance! Meet you soon at Studrespublika-2019!

Regulations of Sturespublika-2019 (ukr)
Recommended texts (ukr)

Information contact and republican T-shirts: (044) 529-13-75, office@studrespublika.com
For media and partnership: brand-manager Vira Andriyuk: +38 (097) 883 22 26, brand-manager@studrespublika.com

* * *

Organizers: NGO Students’ Republic with the organizational support of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, support of Ministry of Youth and Sport of Ukraine.
Partners: JYSK, Graviton, BIOKON, edition Summit Book, Impression, NDLM.
Information partners: TV channel OTV, Stylish Radio Perets FM.



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Автор: Press-service of Studrespublika

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