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Новини Cтудреспубліки
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25-06-2015 / Новини ВМГО "Студентська республіка" /  Україна

It Comes… It is Studrespublika-2015

Вона наступає… Це Студреспубліка-2015 (укр)
Она наступает… Это Студреспублика-2015 (рус) 

Treasured dreams come true here!
The next day begins here!

Cases, problems, exams, graduation – Плакатit all fades into the background when «Students’ Republic» comes. If you are young and energetic, if you want more for yourself and the country, if you you want to try something new and meet interesting friends, then the door of Studrespublika opens just for you. This year’s theme is relevant and responsible: «The modernization program of Ukraine». Join us!

Why all progressive citizens wait for regional stages of Studrespublika, why their theme is devoted to modernization, where and when they will be held and why should you become a member of Studrespublika – read below and do the right choice.

International program «Students’ Republic» – is the largest event for Ukrainian students, which gathers together the maximum number of young leaders from all over Ukraine. The event is held throughout Ukraine right now: do not miss it in your region.

On the regional level the theme of multi-festival is «Modernization program of your region». It is enough for demagogues and those in power to quarrel and to give endless promises! If they are not able to care for Ukrainians, we will do it instead of them. On modernization we should not just start talking, but finally implement it. And Republicans are ready to take up this responsible mission. Young activists in alliance with the best experts are able to change everything!

The theme of this year is very practical: a minimum of populism, a maximum of work, a minimum of promises, a maximum of specific but ambitious plans and programs. We will cover all of Ukraine; will come in each region to write modernization program for it.

But we cannot cope without your help. If you’re brave, not afraid to dream, ready for the real work, responsible, you have knowledge, desire and most importantly, seek to be a part of the coolest team of modernizers, then you should be with us! We are looking for the best young people of the country; we invite you to join our developments and to contribute to the program of modernization.

How to join the team of modernizers, who participate in regional stage of Studrespublika? Elementary – go through the online registration on the official website of Studrespublika.

Required online registration for the participation

This year basis of Studrespublika – is carrying out of a meaningful organizational activity game, after which must pass the election of the Students mayor and members of the Student magistrate. Necessary will take place favorite sub-festivals for progressive youth: contest of personality beauty «First Lady», «Quest-Fest», «Mafia», «Night tusa», the Festival of Amateur Video, Photo Contest, «Day tusa» and many interesting and creative activities that will take place only with the participation of you and your friends.

A result of the 3-month summer performances across Ukraine will become the final of Studrespublika-2015, which will be held traditionally to the Independence Day of Ukraine on the Black Sea. It is the largest meaningful and recreational event, which gathers about 1000 young, ambitious, talented and advanced participants. The subject of final of the Studrespublika-2015 is «Modernization program of Ukraine». There will be chosen the best of the best, new student power – the Student President and deputies of the Students Parliament of Ukraine.

Multi-festival, in the kernel of which is an organizational-activity game featuring top experts, the worthy representatives of establishment, artists, both from Ukraine and from abroad – the one of a kind, unique format of «Students’ Republic».

So… a start is given. Do not miss the event that will change your life and the live of your region. Be confident in your abilities, strive for more, work meaningfully, and create the Program of modernization together with Studrespublika!

For information contact: +38 (044) 529-13-75.
For media and partnership: brand-manager Vira Andriyuk +38 (097) 883 22 26, brand-manager@studrespublika.com.
For organizational issues: project manager Rehina Popova
+38 (095) 166 09 52, project@studrespublika.com.


Organizers: NGO «Students’ Republic» with the support of Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, organizational support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Partners: Impression, Kaspersky, MSI, BIOKON, NDLM.
Information partners: TV channel OTV, SPILNO.TV,
Stylish Radio Perets FM, newspaper The Day, Internet TV Robinzon.tv.   


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Автор: Press-service of Studrespublika

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