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The Work on the The Modernization Program for Ukraine Given Qualitative Results

Робота над Програмою модернізації України дала якісні результати (укр)
Работа над Программой модернизации Украины дала качественные результаты (рус)

12From the 22nd till the 25th of August 2015 at the Arabat Spit, at the Azov sea coast (Kherson region, Henichesk district, resort Henichesk Hirka, WC Energy), the final of Studrespublika XVII was held. The theme of this year was extremely important: The modernization program for Ukraine. Intellectuals from different countries around the world and active representatives of Ukrainian youth during three days were looking for ways of development of our future, aiming the resurrection of Ukraine. Conclusion: hope is still there… but it disappears in proportion to the passage of time, each day is at stake [+ video].

The Final of Studrespublika turned back to its traditional locations of conduct — to the Crimea, its plot, which is a part of the Kherson region. How was the Final of Studrespublika-2015 held, who were participants, experts and guests, what sub-festivals were provided, and most of all, who have become the Student president and the deputies of the Student Parliament of Ukraine and what were the vicissitudes of difficult writing of the Modernization Program for Ukraine — read in the official post release.


Approximately 700 participants from all over Ukraine took part in this year’s final Studrespublika. It was held in the usual format, when the base rate is the content. During two days the winners of regional stages and specially selected participants were actively working at organizational activity-game (OAG). Thanks to the coordinated work of the organizers of the game, experts, moderators we managed to issue the modernization topic.








During the opening with the words of greeting the Republican leader Pavlo Viknyanskyy was speaking. He stressed that there were no expectations from the oligarchic power and from the so-called opposition, and only the Republicans were in power to write the real Modernization Program for Ukraine and this should have been started doing right at the final of Studrespublika-2015.









The finalists were also greeted by the First Deputy Head of Kherson Regional State Administration Valentyna Sichova, by the Head of Henichesk District Oleksandr Vorobyov, by the acting Head of the Education and Science Department of the Kherson Regional State Administration, by the Republican Eugene Krynytskyy, by a Studrespublika’s friend, businessman Oleksiy Burbak. Also the greeting to the finalists of the Studrespublika-2015 from the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Hroisman was read.


The results of the game at Studrespublika-2015 can be divided into several parts: the meaningful and the modeling ones, each of them is very interesting in terms of analysis.

The meaningful part. Among the plenty of ideas that were manifested at Studrespublika there are following ones:

1. the group The Committee of Modernization for the effective promotion of the modernization process proposed to create intellectual clubs at the regional (especially in the most advanced regions which are ready to work hard in order to break the system) and at the national levels, which attract progressive experts, public figures, politicians, and the functioning of which would be covered via available media. The goal of the activity of such committees is to develop the Program of modernization at various levels of governance our state. In addition, The Committee of Modernization proposed the creation of a center for analysis and generation of new projects in important spheres of life such as education, business, health, etc.;

2. the group Ukraine’s Longevity was working on the issue of ensuring the health of the nation. Among specific projects that were proposed there is the project of rehabilitation of ATO members;

3. the group with the provisional name Ukraine in the top 20 focused themselves on business development, offering creation of the infrastructure of business ideas analysis and investing in their development with the involvement of public funds.








The modeling part. Analyzing it, we may conclude that modernization changes require high, unprecedented concentration of the efforts and are connected with lots of usual rules of life, which during modernization process should be radically broken and replaced with more efficient ones and that may cause resistance of the most of the citizens. Moreover, people are not interested in modernization changes, for them it is not intelligible, so №1 task is to attract the general public to the modernization movement, at least as supporters. Politically for modernizers it is going to be incredibly difficult, but it’s the only chance for Ukraine.








The culmination of the game was the election of the Student President and members of the Student Parliament of Ukraine. The highest title was obtained by Oleksandra Telehuzova (Vinnytsia region), who is a student of the 3rd year at the Pirogov National Medical University of Vinnytsia. Here are the deputies of the Student Parliament of Ukraine: Vasyl Berehovyy (Sumy region), Serhiy Hovornyan (Chernivtsi region), Victoria Ivanova (Mykolaiv region), Yuriy Kapushenko (Kherson region), Maxym Karaulov (Mykolaiv region), Anastasia Karpova (Rivne region), Daria Kramarenko (Vinnytsia region), Artem Nikolenko (Kyiv city), Tetiana Tytko (Chernivtsi region), Oleksandra Khramova (Chernihiv region) and Julia Sharova (Rivne region).








At the final there were the star class experts. All the experts held their option classes and were interested in working with the participants within OAG: Pilar Bonet (Spain), Dmitry Gorin (Russia), Serhiy Datsyuk, Evgeny Juryev (Russia), Vadym MenzhulinOlha Mykhailova, Mykhaylo Minakov, Andrii Okara (Russia), Yakov Rabkin (Canada), Fr. Antonii Rudyi, Marina Skorikova (Russia).

Close to the end of the event a round table with the participation of experts, leaders of the game parties and the think tanks, and Moscow democratic political analyst Alexei Makarkin (on Skype) as well on the future of the world, great Europe, Ukraine and Russia was held. It was almost the first attempt in Ukraine to talk publicly about peace and what would be in the world and our homeland after the war.








The Multi-festival part as always was held successfully. Participants were pleased to compete in various sub-festivals. A striking final of the Studrespublika was the beauty contest of an individual the First Lady («Перша Леді»). The Crown of a winner has gone to Anastasia Pronina, who is a student of the Institute of Economy and Information Technology of Zaporizhia.








In the inauguration ceremony of the Student President of Ukraine-2015/2016 took part the Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine Serhiy Mitrofanskiy.


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Organizers: NGO Students’ Republic with the support of Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, organizational support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Partners: Kherson Regional State Administration, Henichesk District Administration, Impression, Kaspersky, MSI, BIOKON, Nai Lu-na by Anastasia IvanovaNDLM, Another Land, Resort Management Group.
Information partners: TV channel OTV, SPILNO.TV, Stylish Radio Perets FM, newspaper The Day, Internet TV
Special thanks to friend of Studrespublika Natasha Sheiko.