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21-11-2012 / всі теми /  Україна

President of Ukraine supported the initiatives for the future

Президент України підтримав ініціативи на майбутнє (укр)
Президент Украины поддержал инициативы на будущее (рус)

During the meeting with Pavlo Viknyanskyy and the other student leaders on the 14th of November 2012 President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych listened carefully to specific proposals and supported a number of community initiatives, including the idea of ​​cation in Ukraine the International Student Center based on the experience of "Student Republic". 

On the eve of Student Day that is traditionally celebrated on November 17, the President met the representatives of student organizations (Pavlo Viknyanskyy, Andriy Chernykh, Alla Sladkovska, Olexandr Tur, Maxym Makarchuk, Mukola Bychko, Artem Nikiforov). The meeting was also attended by Advisor to the President — Head of the Department of Humanitarian and Socio-Political Issues of the Presidential Administration Hanna Herman and First Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine Yevhen Sulima.

The Head of State communicated with student leaders, discussed the problems of youth and students and solution of such problems. “Such meetings are essential. Your opinion about the future and present of Ukraine is very important for me,” he said at the beginning of the discussion. 

I would like to listen to your initiatives for the future – what is the first-priority task under your opinion – it is very important because we are moving towards modernization of our state,” he added. The President noted that in the course of reformation citizens must understand any serious changes happening. The Head of State particularly drew attention of the students to health care and educational reforms. He emphasized the importance of optimization of medical and educational institutions, and the quality of their services as well as the increase of professional level, salaries and social protection of the staff. “The government makes every effort for this end,” the President said.

Президент України Віктор Янукович та лідер Студреспубліки Павло Вікнянський

In the course of conversation, the parties discussed the issues of the quality and affordability of education, the prospects of the new Law “On Higher Education” and the solution of socio-humanitarian and cultural problems of the youth. Particular accent has been put to the prospects of international student cooperation, employment of the youth and orientation of education to the needs of the real economy.

The President particularly noted the innovative approaches of student leaders to the solution of the problems of youth, their willingness to participate in the establishment of youth state policy. The participants not only mentioned the problems, but also suggested the solutions. According to the President, it demonstrated active civil position of the youth. “To define the state policy, to create the strategy and plan of actions is exactly what has to be done… You are able to participate in this process,” Viktor Yanukovych noted.

In his turn, Head of Ukrainian Youth Civil Organization “Student Republic” Pavlo Viknyanskyy stressed the importance of cooperation between student youth organizations and the government. He also expressed the initiative to create International Student Center in Ukraine that would provide an opportunity for young people to exchange experience and work on joint projects. The basis for it, according to Pavlo Viknyanskyy, could be the activity of “Student Republic” that had an experience in such work.

Ukraine is not only the biggest country in Europe; it is the most powerful in the context of state potential. This fact ensures good future for us… Despite all difficulties, we have successfully held EURO-2012 in summer – it was an international holiday. Such events provide an opportunity for us to demonstrate that we can work and we have pretty much to show,” Pavlo Viknyanskyy said.

“We are confident in the great future of Ukraine but we must work hard and we are ready for it,” he added.

The President positively assessed the initiative of the student representative, gave the instruction to the Government and expressed willingness to continue communication with leaders of the youth in the nearest time. Young leaders also had the opportunity to visit the President’s cabinet and in addition received pictures of the President, which he signed personally for each of them.

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Автор: Прес-служба Студреспубліки