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Новини Cтудреспубліки
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22-01-2015 / Новини ВМГО "Студентська республіка" /  Україна

How to Ensure the Rise of a New Type of Political Actors to Power with a View to a Radical Modernization of Ukraine

Як забезпечити прихід до влади політичних субєктів нового типу з метою радикальної модернізації України (укр)

As everything happened last year:
Reliance on people and progressive experiments — the only positive way for Ukraine






Summer — for active and ambitious!
Winter — for the best and smart! 

After the change of power in Ukraine, many people thought that everything will improve, or at least will clearly move towards improvement. But no! The life of ordinary citizens is becoming more difficult, the war does not stop, and living standards are plummeting. Ukrainians are starting to understand that the new power will not make real reforms in the interest of public welfare and development of the country. Therefore, from the 27th of February to 2nd of March 2015 in the Carpathians, at Bukovyna, will be held the VII Winter Studrespublika on «The rise of a new type of political actors to power with a view to a radical modernization of Ukraine». Welcome!

Take part in a competitive selection!

This awareness is forcing us each day, each hour, to ponder more and more. A concentrated intelligence and passionarity will gather together in a charming area of the Carpathians, at Bukovyna, in order that at the time of the VII Winter Studrespublika find an answer to question as to how to ensure the rise of a new type of political actors to power with a view to a radical modernization of Ukraine.

We will consider various scenarios of development of Ukraine in the coming years: the implementation (completion) of real peoples revolution; the legitimate rise to power of the innovative forces that will be able to implement the radical modernization of Ukraine; the continuation of management of our country by oligarchic groups; the establishment of a dictatorship; the occupation and so on.

Participation: to take part in the WiSR-VII is very easy. You must pass a mandatory online registration on the website of Studrespublika. Then, all registered participants will pass a competitive selection, the best of them will take part in the Winter Studrespublika.

Target audience: members of the republican projects (Studrespublika etc.) of any years, active citizens, experts, local and political figures, entrepreneurs, deputies of different levels, youth and students.

The program of the WiSR-VII provides holding of organizational-activity game during the 3 full days with the participation of about 60 people.

Features! In the game process are used methods and tools that will enable to control your own and collective actions, to dive deeply into the perspective, and find answers to the most difficult questions. It is planned to achieve the effect of total immersion, which envisage participation in absolutely all activities and ban alcohol. If you violate this requirement the organizers reserve the right to evict offender without refund of registration fee.

Announcement of results: on the 23rd of February this year on the site of Studrespublika.

Terms of participation and contest details (ukr)

At the end of the event will be held a party in a classic style and award winners.

Do not miss the most important intellectual and prognostic winter event, register and become one of the participants of the WiSR-VII.

Refoundation of the Republic is possible only with your participation! Prove it on the Winter Studrespublika not by chatter and public relations, but by meaningful work. Ukraine needs managers who are ready to offer to the citizens a fundamental renewal advanced project of the entire state mechanism and take responsibility for its implementation in the interest of the people. And let those who have already graduated from the university, not confuse the word student in the title, because, it is known that in Latin student — is the one who learns thoroughly, so its 18 and 35, and 60 year old progressive, critical thinking person, capable to high-quality debate.

In addition, upon completion of the WiSR, if you want, you will have an opportunity to rest (lifts, bathhouse) and to see the outstanding historical sites: the Khotyn fortress, monasteries, parks, museums and even more.

* * *

Organizers: NGO Students Republic with the assistance of National Deputy of Ukraine Maxym Burbak, the organizational support of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine.

Partners: the Company Impression, the Gallery Sweet ArteSputnik.

Additional information:

Organizational issues: Ivan Ledchak, acting Studrespublika project manager, tel/fax: (044) 529 13 75, mob: (063) 679 92 52.
Media and sponsorship: Vira Andriyuk, brand-manager of Studrespublika, mob: (097) 883 22 26, e-mail:

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Автор: Press-service of Studrespublika