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Alternative Courses of Development – Let’s Seek Together

As everything happened last year: Modernization or Death (en)

Альтернативні курси розвитку — шукатимемо разом (укр) 
Альтернативные курсы развития — искать вместе (рус) 





Summer — for active and ambitious!
Winter — for the best and smart!

The government, on which big hopes were pinned, for 2 years not only hasn’t changed our country for the best, but has worsened our lives. It seems that we stay on the edge of a cliff and everything depends on what stupid thing politics will do today or what strange and foolish decisions they will make. And what about us, our country? We have a commonplace dead end of the course, towards which Ukraine is being pushed just with no reason. However, which way is right? People who believe in Ukraine as a member of top-20 will work on this question in the Carpathians at Bukovyna within the VIII Winter Studrespublika on the theme called Alternative courses of Ukraine. You are welcome! [+video]

For eight years the lucky participants of the Winter Studrespublika have met once a year in the picturesque Carpathian Mountains to work through different scenarios of Ukraine’s development. We always aimed the target – predictions we made were accurate, although very bold and unexpected for their time. But simply predicting future isn’t enough, we must create it. As the elites are not able to present a course, which is an alternative to war and impoverishment of everyone except themselves, citizens must do it with the help of progressive experts. You have a chance to visit such a unique event too. If you want to know how – read further.

Take part in a competition selection! (ukr)

Moving in circles and making same mistakes are connected with the absence of ideological discussions and debates of opinions in Ukraine. We are imposed of having no alternative to the current course of Ukraine, which is oriented on serious external dependence and further oligarchization. Responsible citizens should debunk this myth. Moreover, the escape from the statehood crisis is hidden in deep public debates on various options for the development of Ukraine.

Republicans never relax, every year we work for the common good of Ukrainian citizens, for united and prosperous Ukraine. We invite people who care about our future to join us in a charming area of ​​the Carpathians at Bukovyna in order to work through the necessary alternative ways of development of Ukraine during the VIII Winter Studrespublika.

Participation conditions: participation in WiSR-VIII is simple. You must pass an online registration on the website of Studrespublika. Then all the registered participants undergo a competitive selection and the best of them will take part in the Winter Studrespublika.

Альтернативні курси розвитку України

Target audience: members of previous republican projects (Studrespublika, etc.), active citizens, experts, public and political figures, workers, businessmen, deputies of different levels, youth, students. In general, it can be any creative and thinking person.

The program of the WiSR-VIII provides holding of organizational-activity game during 3 full days in which almost 80-100 people will participate.

Peculiarities! During the game such methods and tools are used, that will give the opportunity to react on individual and common actions, to immerse in the problems deeply and to find answers to the most difficult questions. It is planned to achieve the effect of full immersion that includes participation in all events completely and prohibition of alcohol. If somebody violates this requirement organizers reserve the right to evict offender without returning the registration fee.

Announcement of results: February 15 this year on Studrespublika’s website.

At the end of the event an award party in classic style will take place.

During the OAG in peculiar conditions of intellectual competition we will work through the alternative ways of the development of Ukraine: the continuation of the present course, the revenge scenario, socially-oriented modernization, ultraneoliberal shock, increasing of external dependence, right dictatorship and more.

Do not miss the event, which is able to initiate creating our real future. Sign up and become one of the participants of the WiSR-VIII, feel that you can write a script and influence the development of Ukraine. As the experience of previous years shows, we are able not only to see Ukraine’s problems, but to find those solutions, that are not obvious to majority of people, but effective. And don’t let those who have graduated from the university long time ago be confused by the word student in the title. In fact, it is known that in Latin student — is the one who diligently studies, so this can be 18, 35 and even 60 years old person, who can think progressively, critically and is capable of high-quality discussion.

After WiSR, if you wish, you will have the opportunity to rest (nearby there are sauna, skating rink, etc.) and see interesting historical places: the Khotyn fortress, monasteries, parks, museums and more.

* * *

Organizers:  NGO Students’ Republic with the assistance of Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine.
Partners: Graviton Company, Impression Company, SendPulse, GURT Resource Centre.

Organizational issues: Rehina Popova, acting manager of projects Studrespublika, (044) 529 13 75, +38 (095) 166 09 52,
Media and Sponsorship issues: Vira Andriyuk, brand manager of Studrespublika, +38(097) 883 22 26, e-mail:

Terms of participation and contest details (ukr)