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Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Із Новим роком і Різдвом Христовим! 

Dear friends!

I congratulate all the Republicans and the likeminded, all the Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine on charming Christmas and New Year!

2015 was a year of hope and disappointment, year of trial and loss, year of faith in the future and perception unhappy present. This year has not given us peace, prosperity, quality in authorities and decent status in the world. But we do not give up and stay optimistic, we will actively do good things as opposed to all mean-spirited.

So I want to wish that in new 2016 all your dreams and wishes come true and may the new year bring  to all our beloved Ukraine and our families harmony, love, peace, well-being and respect for each other. Let’s be honest, considering and patient, because in this difficult period we can count only on ourselves and, indeed, true friends.

I believe in a modernized, geographically unified, prosperous, just, very free and flourishing Ukraine. There is still much to do, but together we are sure to overcome and win!

And all the primitive, unicellular, greedy internal and external evil — well, we know… will disappear as dew in the sun:))) (line from Ukrainian National Anthem)

May God protect us and Ukraine!

On behalf of the Studrespublika team and all the Republic movement

Pavlo Viknyanskyy