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The Wall of Love unites Ukrainian people

«Стіна кохання» об’єднує українців (укр)
«Стена любви» объединяет украинцев (рус)

Studrespublika’s conducting The Wall of Love has become traditional in Ukraine during the Valentine’s Day. Despite of the difficult period in the country the Valentine’s Day was one of those days that could unite people with different views, because love and forgiveness are the most important feelings in our lives.  Despite of all conflicts, which took place in Ukraine nowadays, all people want peace, tranquility, and good in the unified and strong country.

Kalmius, over the years the improvised Wall of Love had been installed. Anyone had an opportunity to write on the Wall nice and warm words of love to all the people who are close to him or her heart. Of course, in every city The Wall of Love was held its own way, but with a special fervor and festive mood.

In addition, many thousands of people left their congratulations on the Walls of Love. Many people were lucky to get from Studrespublika`s activists wonderful gifts. It was Valentine with the words of the Gospel:  «… love does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil…

Thus, in Kyiv, in addition of holding the event at the city universities, of the Studrespublika’s activists decided to congratulate all the people who were standing on Maidan, representatives of the Internal Troops, Berkut guys all citizens and guests of the city. They made ​​a symbolic march to the city center. All people were actively communicating with Republicans, photographed. It had the impression, that people had not heard the nice words without any obligation for a long time. People smiled, thanked and it was the biggest prize of the day.


In Zaporizhzhya near the improvised arch the organizers held a humorous marriage ceremony for the most dare couples. Also it was possible to take part in fun competitions, quizzes and receive the gifts from the action’s partner company Procter&Gamble.


In Chernivtsi the action Wall of Love had a great success! It was managed to convey the great feelings, emotions and the holiday atmosphere. At first the event took place in three universities, but in the afternoon the celebration continued at the Theater Square, where were writing their wishes tourists from Japan and a couple of brides, which helped show originality, brilliance and sincerity of the event.


In Sumy after The Wall of Love in universities, it has smoothie moved to the one city nightclub, where was catchy music and active young people were dancing. They greeted each other and confessed in love until the morning. The symbolic Wall of Love helped them in this.


So, Valentine’s Day is gone, but do not forget that warm and gentle words you have to say every day, and it is not necessarily to have a cause. We have to create a holiday for ourselves. And much nicer to feel it when you are sure that your loved person is in safety and we all live in a strong unified state. So, let’s apply the hand of reconciliation and take steps towards each other!