(english version)

People-Democratic League of Youth (NDLM) is the 9 year initiator and an organizer of annual traditional fest “Student Republic”. First time the project was taken in Kyiv in 1998. Taking into account the significant impact starting from 1999 the project had the All-Ukrainian level. The analysis of the project activity last 7 years showed the interest at youth, universities, colleges and authorities participated in the project. In the most of the regions of Ukraine the active Student parliaments were formed, which played and play now the essential role in the implementation of the youth policy at local level. Some regions, where Student mayors had been elected they became councilors of the Heads of Regional State Administrations in the field of youth policy or became the chiefs of governmental institutions working on the youth issues.

The project supposes wide engagement of the youth groups to its realization. Additionally, the social group, the project is directed at, is the target audience of the organization. The network of the NDLM branches allows to effectuate the project all over the regions of Ukraine. The NDLM possesses the experience of the work with the institutions of student self-government during the realizations of the projects aimed at the student participation.

In 2002, 2003 and 2004 the project was supported by the Sate Committee of Ukraine for Family and Youth, in 2005, 2006 the program was supported by the committee inheritor – the Ministry of Ukraine for Family, Youth and Sport.


At first program «Student republic» was conducted within the framework of celebration Youth Day in 1998 year in Kyiv. Taking into account the considerable resonance — «Student republic» is carried out as All-ukrainian program since 1999 year. Since 2002 the program is supported by Ministry of Ukraine for Family, Youth and Sports. Ministry education and science of Ukraine also gives its support. Since 2004 year finale part of the program is conducted including the participants and winners of the regional stages on the coast of sea in Crimea. Since 2006 year Studrespublika was conducted in the format of multi-festival first time. In 2007 year a course was taken on the international format of Studrespublika (take part teams from USA, Georgia, Belarus, Moldova, European countries, e.t.c.). Through Studrespublika most part of student leaders of our time in Ukraine passed.


To support the development of the culture and traditions of the citizen participation and democratic values at the youth for the sake of providing of the civil society sustainability.


To support the development of the culture and traditions of the citizen participation and democratic values at the youth for the sake of providing of the civil society sustainability.

The project tasks:

  1. To form the skills of citizen participation at youth through the model of the political processes implementation during the project.
  2. Encouragement of new activists to the organized youth movement.
  3. Fostering the impact made by youth in decision-making processes.
  4. Providing the support to the student self-government.
  5. Promotion of the modern active forms of the leisure spending of youngsters.
  6. Promotion of the healthy life style.
  7. Providing the support of the international mobility of young people.
  8. Establishment of the dialogue between the youth groups from different regions of Ukraine.

Students of higher educational establishments of I-IV levels of accreditation is the primary target group. The secondary one includes the young people aged from 18 to 35.


The main outcome of the project will be represented by the increase of the level of knowledge of students concerning the regulations, principles and procedures of functioning of a democratic legal society, based on practical skills, increase of the activity of student self-government bodies, stimulating the election activity of youth during the election processes in Ukraine. Creating of the efficient Student magistrats in the regions of Ukraine headed by Student mayors. It is expected that about 250,000 young persons will benefit from the project realization.



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