Pavlo Viknyanskyy The chairman of All-Ukrainian Non-Governmental Youth Organization «Students’ Republic», the chairman of All-Ukrainian Non-Governmental Youth Organization «People-Democratic League of Youth», the deputy chairman of Public Council at the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the deputy chairman of the «Ukrainian Youth Forum». Was born on May 28, 1979 in Mykolaiv. Graduated from school with a silver medal. From 1996 to 2001 studied on department of history of Mykolaiv State Pedagogical University (now – Mykolaiv State University named after V.O. Sukhomlynskiy), graduated having the diploma with honors. Senior lieutenant of the reserve. From May to September 1999 worked as the teacher-organizer in ICC «Artek» (the camp «Sea»). From September (2000) to August (2004) – worked as a teacher of history at General School №18 in Mykolaiv. Since February, 2005 worked as a vice-chairman of All-Ukrainian Non-Governmental Youth Organization «People-Democratic League of Youth». Since May, 2008 – the HR director of LTD «PROMOgroup». One of founders of the Mykolaiv regional organization of People-Democratic League of Youth, in 1998 was elected the first deputy chairman, in August, 2000 – was elected the chairman of the regional organization. The active participant of students self-government. In December, 2000 was elected the chairman of the Mykolaiv Youth Municipality and Council on questions of youth policy under the mayor of Mykolaiv authority. In 2001-2002 worked as an adviser of the mayor of Mykolaiv (non-staff). In 2004 was elected the deputy chairman of All-Ukrainian «National-Democratic League of Youth», and later was elected the chairman of this organization. Headed the working group on development of students self-government in Ukraine and Studzakon (students law), also developed the bill on students self-government. 2004 together with Krutko V. has been the organizer (and initially the author) of the final of multi-festival «Students’ Republic». Head of the international (All-Ukrainian) organizing committee on «Studrespublika» preparation and realization. Since 2009 – Head of the All-Ukrainian Non-Governmental Youth Organization «Students’ Republic». Headed the Secretariat of the «Ukrainian Youth Forum», further – was elected the deputy chairman of UYF. Since April, 2013 – the deputy chairman of Public Council at the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine. Has wide experience of the election campaign management of different levels (including international), carrying out organizational activity games. Entrepreneur. Orthodox Christian. |