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The village football team out of Poltava was one of the winners of the international football tournament

Сільська футбольна команда з-під Полтави стала одним із переможців міжнародного футбольного турніру (укр)

June 7-9, 2014 in Vienna (The Republic of Austria) the International friendly amateur football tournament involving teams from Austria, Ukraine and Cyprus has taken place. The village football team of the Republicans Zlagoda from under Poltava represented Ukraine and won the 3rd place.

It was a unique opportunity for Ukrainian national football. Probably it was the first time in the history of Ukraine that the simple village football team took part in an international football tournament on a serious level.

June 7-9, 2014 in Vienna (Austria) the International friendly amateur football tournament involving teams from Austria, Ukraine and Cyprus has taken place: 1. Simmeringer SC and Ostbahn XI (Vienna, Austria), Magusa Turk Gucu FC (Famagusta, North Cyprus), FC Lustenau 07 (Land Vorarlberg, Austria) and the team Zlagoda (Kirove village, Poltava region).

The tournament was held at the site of 1.Simmeringer SC among whose caregivers were Studrespublika’s friends.

FC Zlagoda appears in Poltava region football championship. The team exists at Poltava Students’ Republic.

All contestants of Ukrainian team are well prepared and have a serious history. Also they have a significant financial support of sponsors and the quality arena for up to 10,000 fans. The warehouse of the Austrian football clubs consists mainly of the working class and workers. Physiotherapy in Austria has become a very effective tool of social work that requires a good studying of it.

The tournament was held in a circular system, teams played with each other. Teams played two games in day. One match lasted 50 minutes (two halves of 25 minutes).


At the start of the tournament Zlagoda lost 1. Simmeringer SC 0:4, only in the first half set up it had 5 chances to score, but the ball stubbornly didn’t want to get to the net. At the end of the game Ukrainians didn’t even realize a penalty. The next game was a way better but two simple mistakes in defence were worth two missed goals from Lustenau 07. Eventually, the Zlagoda met and defeated former champion Northern Cyprus 3-1 (victorious goals scored by A.Voronkin, T.Markevych, D.Vasko). In the last game Ukrainian players have given a real fight to the future winner of the tournament Ostbahn XI but also lost 0:1. Other teams lost Ostbahn XI even with a greater score.

As a result, FC Zlagoda took the 3rd place. The viewers and friends from other teams characterized Ukrainians even though not always technically perfect but passionate.

«Sport — incomparably is a better way of competition between people and nations than war. More importantly participation in mass sports performs basic tasks withdrawal of social tension among vulnerable populations and the socialization of youth. Sport in teams teaches teamwork, responsibility, develops moral and volitional qualities. In advanced Austria it was understood a long time ago – and the tool of support of the amateur football has showed itself on the highest level in the proletarian districts, including Vienna. Young workers and the representatives of the migrant environment get useful social skills of cohabitation. «A wonderful experience has successfully adopted the curious village football team of Republicans Zlagoda from Kirove village, Poltava» – said the Republicans leader Pavlo Viknyanskyy.


The FC Zlagoda captian Roman Kostenko analyzes the performance of the team in the tournament. «At first it was psychologically difficult because the opposing team was equipped with everything you need to have serious training base. They also get paid and we hardly make both ends meet. It certainly had influenced the guys and we lost the first two games though created many scoring chances. Then the team got together and we won against the Northern Cypriots».


FC Zlagoda and Studrespublika are grateful to the chairman of the industrial agricultural cooperative Zlagoda Vitaly Maslyak, Acting Head of Department of Physical Education and Sports M.Habor and to the Department of Culture (H.Fasiy, V.Vozhdayenko) executive committee Poltava City Council (O.Romas, V.Pavlov), FC Zlagoda (D.Yavorskyy), chief editor of Poltava Sports S.Mayzus and Poltava District of DSF Colossus (S.Ryabota) for help in organizing the trip. 

FC Zlagoda went to the tournament and didn’t disappoint Ukraine! Studrespublika is proud of its champions! Keep it up!